As the summer approaches, I can’t help but to feel myself longing for the sea. Even the writer, Isak Dinesen said, The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” My urge to set voyage also comes from my memories with friends on a yacht two winters ago in the Caribbean. We set sale on our own with our gumption, plenty of swimsuits and the Catamaran’s GPS! It was one of the most adventure-filled vacations with tours of ‘natural’ spas on small islands in the British Virgin Islands and sun soaking on the bow before tying off lines to docks.
If you’re not feeling as adventurous to charter your own boat, choose getaways with Free People Escapes or The Yacht Week to better broaden your horizons and soak up the sun on the water. The all-inclusive packages for sailing and yoga adventures seem like a seamless way to get away. After choosing which destination to the sea is right for you, then the fun part starts… choosing all of the amazing maxi dresses, swimsuits and cover ups galore. I’d also recommend a duffel bag versus a usual suitcase for easy storage in the cozy cabins! One of the best parts of the trip is experiencing the culture around you and allowing some of it rub off on you!